About Gem

I want to thank all my lovely fans for your continued interest in my stories! I had to stop writing a few years ago to take care of an elderly relative, which consumed most of my spare time. Once he passed, I found it difficult to get back into a writing mindset for a while. But I appreciate all the kind emails I've received, and I'm aware I left a couple of stories hanging. So in 2018, I intend to write my little heart out. If all goes as planned, I'll be releasing a novella a month. I won't be writing serials or cliffhangers, either. The first book I plan to release is Prodigal, the wrapup to what was originally Wolf in the City. It will contain both the first half of the story (originally released as Outcast) and the second. Later in the year, around April, I'll be releasing Dominance as a full novel, with a grand finale and maybe an extra story or two as well. There will be new novellas, too-- see the Coming Soon page for details.

Thanks a bunch for all the support you've given me! I can't wait to get back to writing!